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About Pa'i Puku School

Es una escuela-hogar fundada por un sacerdote belga en el año 1965 que brinda una educación integral a niños y jóvenes de 5 a 18 años de edad.

En el centro hay cuatro instituciones: la Escuela Primaria, el Colegio, la Escuela Profesional y la Escuela Técnica Vocacional.


The Comprehensive and Inclusive Educational Training Center, which promotes opportunities for a dignified, Christian and supportive life for children, young people and the population of the area of influence, working in alliance and cooperation with Companies, State Institutions and Civil Society Organizations.


To receive, accommodate, train and educate children, young people and adults in the area of influence, through comprehensive and inclusive training, using innovative pedagogical and technical proposals that allow, as competent individuals and professionals, a dignified coexistence, committed to their community and society, respecting and caring for the environment.


  1. COMMITMENT: We are people who are aware of the importance of working with professionalism, responsibility and loyalty, making the values and objectives of the Paí Pukú Center our own, making the greatest effort to achieve them, placing them above our personal goals and interests.

  2. SPIRITUALITY: We are people with the conviction that there is a reality that transcends us, beyond the senses, that gives us the strength that drives us to work with love every day, giving meaning to our existence and significance to our path.

  3. RESPECT: At the Pa'i Puku Center, respect is a fundamental and essential value that helps us value and tolerate differences and understand that they make us grow, being considerate of each person, taking into account their interests, abilities, preferences, fears or feelings. Living respect as a central value, we build a model community in which violence, aggression, discrimination or abuse do not exist.

  4. INCLUSION: We are an organization that positively values the diversity of people, as a path to building a community that is more respectful of individual differences. The experience of this value allows for the equal participation of all, values the contribution of each person to the community and leads us to end the exclusion that results from negative attitudes resulting from the lack of recognition of diversity.

  5. COOPERATION: We are people who give our best, being supportive of others, allowing ourselves to be helped and helping for the good of all, convinced that cooperative work does not compete, but that its practice makes us stronger as people and as an organization.

  6. SOLIDARITY: At the Paí Pukú Center, we feel and recognize ourselves as united people, who share the same obligations, interests and ideals, making the circumstances of others our own, resorting to help or support without expecting compensation.

  7. CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: At the Paí Pukú Center we value the environment, caring for it and taking action to improve it, as a commitment to life and as a sign of respect for every human being. We are people with simple habits and common sense to promote the conservation and care of the environment. At our Center, we reduce pollution and conserve our natural resources, to generate positive change on a large scale and protect our planet Earth.

  8. FREEDOM: At the Paí Pukú Center, we are free people, true actors of our conduct, which is determined by the values acquired and assimilated in our daily life and reflected in our actions. We respect individuality and the rights of others and value the ability to express thoughts, ideas or beliefs through written, oral or artistic expression.

  9. QUALITY: We are people who seek excellence, aware of the needs of society, meeting its expectations, committed to the quality of our service. We seek to achieve qualitative and quantitative differentiation, adding value to the actions, products and services offered.

  10. INNOVATION: At Pa'i Puku we promote innovative changes in different areas of our educational work, in order to enable people to develop their creativity and inventiveness more efficiently, making appropriate and rational use of available resources. We are conscious and committed to constant transformation and renewal, without losing the essence of our own philosophy.

General objectives

  1. To meet the food, health, housing and education needs of children, youth and parents from low-income sectors of the Paraguayan Chaco;

  2. The fundamental ideal of PPCEFIMM is that, with a fraternal spirit, each of those who are trained there assume, from their specific role, the tasks of training, education, personal and social development in an environment where love, joy, respect, justice and solidarity reign.

Specific objectives

  1. Cultivate a family spirit, where everyone is cared for with love, corrected with affection, and taught to live the values of the Gospel with joy and confidence: truth, justice, community work, strength in the face of difficulties, and selfless service to others.

  2. Experience the close and affectionate love of God the Father, through personal and community prayer and liturgical celebrations.

  3. Knowing Christ and trying to live as He lived, recognizing the other as a brother whom God invites me to care for, respect, help and serve;

  4. Promote an education that allows the development of all the capacities and skills of students and puts them at the service of others;

  5. To train people who aspire to serve, from their profession, and to be protagonists in the construction of a more just and community-based society, where there are no excluded;

  6. Provide excellent services in the area of prevention to the entire community and surrounding areas;

  7. To provide the opportunity for children and young people from Chaco with limited economic resources to access a comprehensive education that responds to their reality through boarding schools exclusively for those who do not have a school nearby;

  8. Build a united, coherent, independent community, open to constructive criticism that generates an attitude of change;

  9. Encourage parental involvement in their commitment to their children's education;

  10. Promote the spirit of improvement through self-management and prudent and generous decision-making;

  11. Promote the technical and human training of educators and teachers from a Christian perspective so that they can better fulfill their role;

  12. Organize regular meetings with educators to exchange experiences, acquire better knowledge of social reality and renew Christian commitment and reflection;

  13. To promote solidarity among leaders and advocate the adoption of measures by its members that reflect the Christian spirit and are reflected in a life testimony that improves community life and the social environment.

Members of the Board of Directors

Pa'i Puku School has a committed team of educational professionals who strive to provide a comprehensive educational experience for children and young people.

This equipment is valid from August 2019 to August 2024.

- Esmilce Victoria Paez (President. General Coordination of the Residence. Legal Representative)

- María Josefina Palacios de Medina (Coordination of the Pedagogical Department)

- Celeste Concepcion Lopez de Marino (Treasurer. Coordination of the Department of Health)

- Hilaria Susana Paredes Martínez (Coordination of the Department of Spirituality)

- Oscar Javier González (Referent for Educators)

- Elena Raquel Romero Cáceres (Secretary. Teachers' Representative)

- Remigio Mariño Sanabria (Production Units Manager)

- Petronila Mercedes Paredes vda. de Meza (Coordination of the Administrative Department. Legal Representative)

- Ramón Bernabé Espinoza Bogado (Directors' Reference).

Institutional organizational chart

Pa'i Puku Organizational Chart.png
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